A brief interview with Seahaven

Last week, I mentioned that the band Seahaven had put out a new EP titled Ghost.  Their singer and guitar player, Kai, agreed to answer some interview questions about the band.  The Ghost EP is currently streaming on PunkNews.org, so go have a listen!

OK, so who’s in the band and who plays what?
Kai: Vocals/Guitar, Michael: Guitar, Eric: Bass, James: Drums/Vocals

How old are you guys?
How do you generally describe your sound to someone who has never heard Seahaven before?

The new EP sounds really great – where’d your record it and who did the production?
We recorded at Castle Ultimate Studios in Fremont, CA. Aaron Hellam did the production.

What’s the songwriting process like for you guys?
Very tough question. Kai comes to the band with anything from a riff to a complete song, or Michael comes with a riff, and the band molds it into what is recorded.

What song means the most to each of you on the EP and why?
Michael: “Ghost” because it was the last song we wrote for the E.P. and it completed the whole picture.
Eric: “Cobarde” because it was the first song we wrote.
James: “Head in the Sand (Blinding Son)” because the lyrical content is very thick and I think it brings the E.P. to a nice close.
Kai: I honestly don’t know. I’m really sorry.

What does everyone’s gear setup look like?
Kai and Michael play Fender Telecasters through Bogners, Eric plays a Fender Jazz bass through an Ampeg, and James plays a Truth kit.

What do you guys make of the punk rock scene these days?
The scene died with Minor Threat in 83’. Haha.

Any current bands that you’d really like to share a tour with?
Crime in Stereo, Manchester Orchestra, Polar Bear Club, and our friends in SET YOUR GOALS, and HEARTSOUNDS.

Who are some of the bands that influenced you growing up?
Propagandhi, Brand New, A Fire Inside, Blink-182.

You guys are mostly playing shows on the West coast right now – when are you going to get out East?
As soon as possible! We’d love to get out there!!

One Response to “A brief interview with Seahaven”

  1. […] – part III Soooo… This would be post #3 on the band Seahaven.  3 posts?  What makes this band worth 3 posts, you […]

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